Key Risks

Key Risks Disclosure and Risks Warning

Regulatory Disclosure

Vairt Limited (Vairt) is a registered company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Investments in off-plan properties and unlisted shares carry risks. Your capital may be at risk, and you may not receive the anticipated returns. Using credit or borrowed money to invest in Vairt carries a greater risk.

Investment Risk Warnings

  • Vairt does not remove risks associated with acquiring a residential property directly.
  • Shared ownership introduces additional risks, including tenant default and property-specific issues.
  • Diversify your investments across multiple properties to minimize exposure.

Variable Income

  • Since we only offer off-plan projects, there is no rental income until the project is completed.
  • Investors should be aware that no income will be generated from the property until it is finished and ready for occupancy.

Investment Risks

  • Investment in real estate is speculative, and market value can fall.
  • Forecasts and past performance are not reliable indicators of future performance.
  • Real estate investments can perform cyclically, increasing or decreasing values.
  • Economic, political, and legal issues can affect values.


  • Real estate is an illiquid asset, making it difficult to sell quickly.
  • Investors must be prepared to commit to investing for the full investment period.


  • Investors will not own the property directly but will have shares in a legal entity that owns the property.


  • Vairt does not provide investment advice.
  • Investors must rely on their own due diligence before investing.

Product Risks and Disclosures

  • Market risk: Unpredictability of the real estate market.
  • Operational risk: Sourcing discounted properties, securing approvals, and completing renovations.
  • Project management risk: Effective project management is crucial.
  • Third-party due diligence: Vairt conducts due diligence on all third parties involved.
  • Conflict of interest: Vairt has a conflicts of interest policy.
  • Valuation risks: Independent valuation reports are mandated.
  • Market fluctuations risk: Regular updates on property valuations will be conducted.
  • Cost over-runs: Contractual provisions ensure cost over-runs are borne by the Sponsor/Project Manager.

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